5th Book Free Download PageFifth Title in the Series of Books on World Class Universities or InstitutesWashington Accord & Focus on Globalization, Good Governance, Finance, GDP, Knowledge Based Society, Nation Building, Brand Name, Benchmarking, Productivity, Graduate Attributes and Employability etc. |
This book deals with Integrated Model for developing World Class Universities (WCU) and Tier-1 Institutes under Washington Accord to achieve multiple objectives. It highlights the crucial role of varios factors like Globalization, Good Governance, Finance, GDP, Knowledge Based Society, Nation Building, Brand Name, Benchmarking, Productivity, Graduate Attributes and Employability etc. This model consists of hundreds of factors with Complex Inter Relationships among them. Without understanding this complex relationship it is difficult to develop World Class University or Institute. This model will give very clear direction and Roadmap for developing World Class Universities and Institutes in India and rest of the world. I am sure this Model along with 1700 pages and 1800 references of these series of books on World Class Universities will act as a vital reference point for academic fraternity of the Indian higher education sector for enhancing student’s employability. |
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Recent Comments on 5th Book from Eminent Academicians and High Profile Authorities
For this series of books, I had received hundreds of reader’s comments from every corner of the world. I would like to share few of them with you. I am thankful to these eminent academicians and high profile authorities for appreciating and recognizing my work of national interest.
Vice-chancellor, Oriental University, Indore
Vice-Chancellor, Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaner
Vice Chancellor, Kaziranga University, Assam
Vice Chancellor, Amity University Mumbai, Former Vice Chancellor, Mumbai University
Sector-11, Dwarka, New Delhi
Maharashtra Remote Sensing Applications Center, Department of Planning, Govt. of Maharashtra
Comments on previous four Books from Eminent Academicians and High Profile Authorities
Eminent Academicians and High Profile Authorities
President's Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi
Thanks for your mail and also for sharing inputs on a very important subject.
Dr. Arun Nigavekar, Raja Ramanna Fellow, Former Chairman UGC, Former VC Pune University, Founder Director NAAC, Senior Advisor Science & Technology Park Pune
Thanks for your mail and details on two interesting books…..
Professor R. Natarajan, Former Chairman AICTE, Former Director, IIT Madras
Hearty Congratulations, not only for writing these Books, but also for making the last Book available free to Academics.
Dr. D P Kothari, Former Director i/c IIT Delhi, Former VC,VIT Vellore, Former DG RGI, Nagpur, Emeritus Director general, VITS Indore, Former Principal VRCE, Nagpur
Congratulations, all the best….
Padma Bhushan Prof. Dr. S. B. Mujumdar, Founder and President Symbiosis International University Pune
It is indeed very interesting and informative…
Prof. K.K. Aggarwal, Former Vice Chancellor, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi
It appears from your thought process, we might have some common goals in future.
Prof. Dr. Arun Jamkar, Vice Chancellor, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Nashik
Thanks and congrats for writing such a wonderful book
Dr. M. U. Deshpande, Former Director VNIT Nagpur, Former Professor IIT Mumbai, Former Director IGNOU, Former Advisor AICTE
You are indeed a prolific writer and good editor of readable material. Your day will come, I hope, soon.
Dr. Hardev Singh Virk Professor Emeritus, Eternal University, Former Dean Academic Affairs & Students Welfare & Dean Science Faculty, Visiting Professor (7 countries)
Whenever I visit Nanded Gurdwara, I shall make a point to visit U; the GREAT INNOVATOR for H.E. in India.
Dr. Ananth Rao, Academic Consultant NAAC, Bangalore
This book will certainly help us to understand hurdles in developing world class universities in INDIA-Problems/Prospects
Dr. R B Chavan, Former Professor, IIT Delhi
I wish you could publish some the information through important new papers like Times of India, Indian Express or Hindu under the heading of higher education in India. This would help to reach out your ideas to a wider section educationists and policy makers.
Dr. Partha S Mallick, Professor and Dean, School of Electrical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore
It is my pleasure to Congratulate You for your outstanding work and contributions. As the Coordinator of "World Ranking" Committee of our University, I have been working/studying on this area since the last 2-3 years. I ready many articles, reports of India and abroad, this is a wonderful compilation and creation.
Prof. Dr. P. K. Yadava, Former Dean School of Life Sciences, JNU, Delhi
I appreciate the effort put in by you in compiling the probable difficulties in creating world class University in India. The subject merits full blast discussion and policy formulation. Our students do so well in the world's best institutions. We need to change our attitudes of self-aggrandization and glorification at the cost of institution building.
Dr. S. Sivanandam, SRM University, Chennai
Thank you for the essential and the need of the hour book. Let all the academicians and the policy makers have a look at this to think of the present scenario and plan for the better future of the Indian Universities at the Global level.
Dr. (Mrs.) Anjali V. Kulkarni, Centre for Mechatronics, IIT Kanpur
Hearty Congratulations on this marvelous and much needed job!
Prof. Vikas H. Inamdar, Director, I.M.C.C.
Extremely important, informative and interesting. Pioneering and path-breaking research-work.
Ajith Abraham, Director of Machine Intelligence Research Labs, Professor, Technical University of Czech Republic, Chair of IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society, editorial board of over 50 International journals, Visiting professor at more than 20 universities at various countries
Looks like a great job. Congratulations
Kishor N. Tayade HoD IT, Government College of Engineering, Karad
Hearty Congratulations for the release of your Fourth most valuable book for the development of World class universities. I am sure that this book would be very useful for the institutional reforms.
Dr. S. Sankara Gomathi, Dean R&D, Professor, RMKEC, Tamilnadu
Book is really interesting.
Mr. Sourav Chakraborty, Executive Director, Aunwesha Knowledge Technologies Pvt Ltd, Kolkata
Great job done
Dr. D. Ganeshkumar, Professor & Head, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, PA College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi
Thank you so much for your valuable and country caring information pertaining to Indian Education Scenario and Economy.
Mr. Arvind Bhagat Patil, YCCE Nagpur
Looking at the international scenario there is a need of assessing our education system. The details provided in your books are really an eye opener for everyone who is a part of this system. I appreciate your efforts.
Dr. Manpreet Singh Manna, Associate Professor, Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology
It seems to be very Nobel cause on which you are publishing your work. I personally wish you very great success and good health to get your contribution to our Nation.
Manoj P., Aazimpremji Foundation, Banglore
Really appreciate making this available for all.
Bhupendra S Mandlia, Registrar, Geetanjali University, Udaipur Rajasthan
Thanks for sharing such a nice book.
Prof. P. Guha, IIT Kharagpur
Congratulations for such a huge work.
Dr. Atul Mishra, School of International Studies, Central University, Gujarat
There are some of us who refuse to look at education in terms of business and economic opportunities, or statistics that portray nations in certain light. This may sound unfamiliar, but education is a human need and like all human needs, it is not something to be monetized or put in service of the nation. All the best, however.
Dr. Anthony Lobo, Vice Chair IEEE Bombay Section, Tata Consultancy Services, Mumbai
Kind of you to share this Dr Dharaskar
Dke, Past Chair had sent this intimation and we are keeping IEEE members informed
Dr. Deepak Gautam, IMS, BHU, Banaras
Its amazingly sad to see your list of difficulties (113 !) in making world class Indian Universities. Till now, as a doctor, I used to believe that taking birth in this world by non-surgical normal delivery is the most difficult thing.
Dr. Ashok D. Gaikwad, Professor & Head, Department of Instrumentation, Cummins College of Engineering, Pune
I am sure, your efforts in this context will be fruitful. The unsung heroes like you will definitely change the scenario of Indian Higher Education.
Dr. Krutika Raval, Gujarat Technological University
Our university is also doing research on Designing Structure of Technological Universities (DSTU) for coping with Challenges of the 21st Century. This book will be useful to study the same.
Dr. Sundaram Rout, R&D Program Director ADCET
I have personally gone through One series i.e Funding Techniques of World Renowned Universities. I really appreciate your effort for same.
Dr. Yashwant V. Joshi, Former Director, Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli.
I congratulate you on publishing books on a very important topic of concern to all educationists, Principals, and educational administrators.
Mr. Sanjay Pekam, Cognizant Technology Solutions
This is really good initiative and hope universities in India will use if these book and make progress
Dr. B M Naik, Former Director SGGS, Nanded
You have done a wonderful job. I appreciate.
Professor Dr. P. J. Joglekar, Former Professor IIT Delhi, Former Professor and HoD NIT Trichy
You have done tremendous and scholarly work, which deserves better publicity.
Prof. Dr. Dillip Kumar Bisoyi, HoD, Physics, NIT Rourkela
It is nice to see a good initiative and it must continue for better prospect in Indian context.
Dr. H S Gupta, Director & Vice Chancellor, IARI PUSA, New Delhi
My compliments to you for having conceived the idea of writing a series of books on improving educational institutions/Universities in India. It's a great service to the teachers as well as researchers, who need to read it to take the country to new heights in Education.
Dr. Kishore Ginjupalli, MCODS, Manipal University, Karnataka
I did go through your book. It’s neatly written. Hats off to your attention to intricate details. I only hope that our leaders will have some time to go through the same and take a serious note about it. Feel Happy and honored to have read your book. Keep the good work going.
Dr. Chandan Kumar Chanda, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Bengal Engineering & Science University, Shibpur, Howrah.
Who says Indians cannot do anything? The amount of effort and hard work you have put in to make your exercise fruitful is just unthinkable . For the sake of writing something I can congratulate you or thank you a lot etc as a feedback but I think these few artificial words are not enough.
From the core of my heart I can say "Excellent and very much usefull job you have done for all of us".
Maj Gen S C Jain, VSM, Director, Army Institute of Management, Kolkata
Our thanks and gratitude for writing such books which are the present need of our Nation. We all salute you.
Charotar University of Science & Technology, Anand, Gujarat, India
This is a foundation book for upcoming universities.
Pro Vice- Chancellor & Acting Vice-Chancellor Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna
Keep it up.
National Power Training Institute (Govt. of India, Ministry Of Power ) Bangalore
Please accept my congratulations.
Dept. of Electrical Engineering Centre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, United Kingdom
Principal, KKWIEER, Nashik
When I was the Vice Chancellor at the M. S. University of Baroda, I used to study as to why we do not have any of our universities in ranking. In Gujarat, not a single university has the 'A' grade. There have been meetings and discussions but only in a three years span one cannot do to bring it to an 'A' Grade. Your books are certainly a clear guidelines to plan for this purpose. I am sure Government will also take a note of your contribution.